Category filter
- All categories
- Category 1
- Category 2
- Category 3
- …
Multiple categories filter:
To filter multiple categories, enter here the category IDs separated by commas (example: 4,21,15)
Filter by tag slug:
To filter multiple tag slug, enter here the tag slugs separated by commas (example: tag1,tag2,tag3)
Sort order:
- Latest
- Random posts Today
- Random posts from last 7 Day
- Alphabetical A -> Z
- Popular (all time)
- Highest rated (reviews)
- Random Posts
- Most Commented
Autors Filter:
- No author filter
- David Morgan
- Jeremy Ryan
- Amy Miller
- Cynthia Turner
Featured Posts:
You can make a post featured by clicking featured post checkbox while add/edit post
Hide block title:
Limit post number:
Choose how many post you want to show
Offset posts:
Number of most recent posts to ignore
Header color:
Choose a custom header color for this block
Header text color:
Choose a custom header color for this block
Header text top border color:
Choose a custom color for block title border top
Optional – custom title for this block:
Choose a custom title for this module
Optional – custom url for this block (when the module title is clicked):
Choose a custom url for module title
Title style:
Excerpt Limit:
How much characters want to show as excerpt: default 150
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